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  • Shane Cantley & Michael Richardson win CATT Wateree, SC Feb 23,2019

Shane Cantley & Michael Richardson win CATT Wateree, SC Feb 23,2019

So far this Spring we’ve had a lot of cold and rain which is really affecting the bass at Lake Wateree. Back before we got accustomed to 70 degree days in February this weather pattern we’re having now is actually the pattern South Carolina had for years and years. Water level is going nuts as the lake rose 4 ft in a 24 hour period! Next Wateree CATT is March 2 and maybe we can get some stable weather and a stable lake!

Shane Cantley & Michael Richardson win Saturday with 4 bass weighing 13.83 lb anchored by a 6.91 lbs Bruiser! No Limits were weighed in!

2nd went to Chad Gainey with 4 bass weighing 12.16 lbs!

3rd Place Butch Williams & David Ethridge!


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