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- Piedmont Bass Classics Hyco Lake Open Results…Saturday March 15th, 2014
Piedmont Bass Classics Hyco Lake Open Results…Saturday March 15th, 2014

1st Place: Jimmy & James Wall of Greensboro…5 bass…31.72 lbs.
Saturday March 15, 2013 ~ Hyco Lake ~ State Park Wildlife Ramphttp://piedmontbassclassics.com/2014HycoOpenResults.html
34 teams showed up for the 2nd annual Piedmont Bass Classics Hyco Lake Open. We had pretty good weather conditions with about 47 degrees in the morning and about 68 at weighin with winds 5 to 10 mphgusting to 17 mph during the day. Water temps ranged from 47 to 58 depending on the areas fished and most of the water was really stained from previous rains that week.Jimmy & James Wall, of Greensboro, took 1st place honors with 5 bass weighing a whopping 31.72 lbs. They won the 1st place money, Big Fish Award (10.43 lbs.) & the Tournament Within A Tournament for a total of $1,602. Allen Haigh & Doug Washburn weighing in 5 totalling 15.76 lbs., won 2nd place and 2nd place TWT fora grand total of $670.97 fish were weighed in for a total weight of 228 pounds. Most fish were caught from 3 to 12 feet of water ona variety of baits including jerk baits, c-rigs, jigs, spinnerbaits & crankbaits for the most part, and the fish looked very healthy. The hot baits for the day reported to be c-rigs! I want to thank all the anglers thatparticipated and that supported this tournament.Our next tournament will be the Piedmont Bass Classics Team Bass Spring Mini Trail Qualifier #3 at MayoReservoir, Saturday March 22nd out of Triple Springs Wildlife Ramp.All the information on our tournaments can be found at: http://piedmontbassclassics.com/index.html
Now here are the full results:
1st Place: Jimmy & James Wall of Greensboro…5 bass…31.72 lbs…$9252nd Place: Allen Haigh & Doug Washburn of Prospect Hill & Bracey, VA…5 bass…15.76 lbs…$5173rd Place: Joey & Lee Moore of Sutherlin, VA & Eden…5 bass…12.40 lbs…$4084th Place: Marty Warren & Derek Cobb of Elon & Burlington…5 bass…12.04 lbs…$3005th Place: Kenneth Dixon & W.F. Cox of Leasburg…5 bass…11.92 lbs…$2176th Place: Kenny Allen & Larry Moody of Raleigh & Youngsville…5 bass…10.50 lbs…$1907th Place: Dennis Duncan of Danville, VA…4 bass…10.31 lbs…$163
Winner Big Fish..1st Place Team above: 10.43 lbs…$320
1st Place TWT..1st Place Team above: 31.72 lbs…$3572nd Place TWT..2nd Place Team above: 15.76 lbs…153
Contact Information:Phil McCarson…Tournament Director—922 Valetta Rd.—Durham, NC 27712Home: 919-471-1571 Cell: 919-971-5042email: [email protected] website: www.piedmontbassclassics.com
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