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  • Larry Witt & Tim Goff Win Castaway Angler’s Leesville lake October 21,2017

Larry Witt & Tim Goff Win Castaway Angler’s Leesville lake October 21,2017

We had a great OPEN tournament today at Leesville Lake. We had 13 boats come out and it was a beautiful day. Congrats to Witt/Goff who took 1st place with 12.60 lbs; Dalton finished 2nd with 12.00 lbs and Carter finish 3rd with 11.60 lbs and had Big Fish with a 6.10 lb largemouth. Our next tournament is an OPEN tournament on Smith Mt Lake on November 4, 2017, out of the state park from 7AM to 4PM. See everybody there.

Witt/Goff who took 1st place with 12.60 lbs

Dalton finished 2nd with 12.00 lbs

Carter finish 3rd with 11.60 lbs and had Big Fish with a 6.10 lb


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