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- Lake Anna- Monthly outlook for May 2013
Lake Anna- Monthly outlook for May 2013

With both the New Moon and the Full Moon passing, the majority of the fish in the lake have spawned. We have males guarding nests and females recovering from the stress of the spawn. This is one of my favorite times of the year. The POST SPAWN TOP WATER BITE is getting started and will last into early June. So break out those top water rods, dust them off and get in on the fun.
Saturday May 4 is a day to mark on your calendar, Anna Point Marina and Fish Tales will be hosting their annual Youth Fishing Derby. There are 3 age groups that will compete for the largest fish of four categories. Bass, Crappie, Sunfish and Catfish. There will be prizes and trophies for the winners as well as a nice lunch for all that come out. The times are from 8am-12pm. Call Fish Tales for more information 540-895-5900 ext5 and ask for Chris Craft or Dave Fauntleroy.
BASS- The largemouth are almost fully spawned out at this time. There is still a small percentage of fish that will spawn on the next New Moon. It is TOP WATER TIME!!!!! Walking baits like Zara Spooks, Boing Lures and my favorite……Pay Check Baits Repo Man will start to produce lots of great fish this month. Don’t forget about Pop R’s, Buzz Baits and Propeller Baits.
Look for male bass to be guarding fry early this month, they are fun to catch. Just remember that they are protecting the future TOADS that we are all after. If you catch one that is protecting fry, please return as quickly as possible. It does not take a school of Blue Gill very long to wipe them out. Speaking of Blue Gill, they will be spawning soon and the Bass will be more than ready for a little revenge. Target Blue Gill beds with anything resembling a GILL!!!! The bass will stay just out of your sight most of the time looking for the one Blue Gill that is acting a little different.
Top water is not the only way to catch fish this month. Wacky Rigged Senko’s, Carolina Rigged plastics, Shakey Heads, Jig & Pig combinations (Arson Jigs), Shakey Head plastics, Tiger Shad Spinner Baits and 1.5 & 2.5 Square Bill Crankbaits will all put fish in the boat for you!
Another spawn that will happen this month is the Bait Fish spawn. The Blue Back Herring and Thread Fin Shad will start to get their groove on. Look for them on long shallow points with a hard bottom, rock walls and rip rap. Multi Arm rigs dressed with Bass Assassin Sea Shads will catch fish during this time. Soft jerk baits, Tiger Shad Spinner Baits (Blue Back Herring, Sexy Blue Back Herring & Threadfin Shad color patterns) will be great choices as well. This is also a great time to throw a Double Soft Jerk Bait Rig.
CRAPPIE- The Specks are winding down on what has been the BEST SPRING FISHING that I have ever experienced. Between my self and Associate Guide Brian Oxendine and our clients, there were over 1600 Crappie caught in 3 1/2 weeks. The majority of them were returned to the lake. Not only were the numbers way up, the average size was also on the up side. There were four citations caught in eight days (2-4, 2-0, 2-0 & 1-13 15 1/4″) and we had several near misses of the 15 inch or 2 pound mark.
With it winding down, the females have started to pull back out to deeper water. Look for them on brush piles, rock piles and deeper boat docks. (10-14 feet) The males are still up shallow guarding the nests. 2″ Curly tail grubs rigged on a 1/16oz jig head and small minnows will continue to produce fish. Another tactic that will start working well is Spider Rigging (trolling) for Specks. Brian is well equipped for this task, if you would like to give it a try, get in touch with me and we will set it up.
STRIPER- The striper’s have finished up with their annual spawn run up in the river arms of the lake and are on their way back down lake. Look for them in the Rose Valley and Stubb’s Bridgs area. Live bait is working well at this time, large Gizzard Shad is the bait of choice. If you are like me, and you fish artificial baits for them. Try Broken Back Red Fins and large paddle tail swim baits like the Power Team Lures 4.8″ Swinging Hammer fished around the same shallow points where the bait fish are spawning. Top water baits are fun, but most of the time it is the smaller fish that you are catching, the larger one’s that you are after are lazily feeding on the injured bait that is settling down to them!!!!
Lake Level- Full Pool
Water TempsDike 3- 69 DegreesDown Lake 66-68 DegreesMid Lake 65-68 DegreesUp Lake 64-70 Degrees
Water ClarityDown Lake- ClearMid Lake- Clear/Slight StainUp Lake- Moderate Stain
Chris CraftCCBASSN Lake Anna Guide Servicewww.ccbassnlakeanna.blogspot.com[email protected]540-894-6195540-895-5770540-895-5900 ext5
TEAM LEW’S PRO STAFF www.lews.com
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