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- 2024 Bassmaster Classic Recap: A Whirlwind of Fun by Bruce Callis Jr
2024 Bassmaster Classic Recap: A Whirlwind of Fun by Bruce Callis Jr
2024 Bassmaster Classic Recap:
A Whirlwind of Fun
by Bruce Callis Jr
Sometimes you need time to unwind and give yourself time to look back over things. That’s how it is with me and the Bassmaster Classic. So many things happened and crammed into just a few days. You can’t help but be overwhelmed by it.
My adventure started by meeting up with Snookie Risch and Jacob Stephens at the Richmond Airport for our flight out to Oklahoma. Seems when we started to go through TSA, there was a problem with my information. So back to the ticket counter to straighten it out. No big deal, so back I go after telling them to go on through and I’d be right back. The lady helped and I got my ticket straight and back through TSA. But as we were about to board, I noticed that my ticket had been changed. We had paid extra to be near the front so we didn’t miss our connecting flight in Charlotte, but somehow I had been switched to row 35 at the back of the plane. Even with the connecting flight to Oklahoma City being delayed, we missed our flight.

The only way we could be assured a seat was to wait until 10:30 pm. We could have flown to Dallas and waited as a standby by for an earlier flight, but there was no guarantee we would all 3 get on the flight. So for almost 12 hours, we sat in the airport. And tried to work on getting the rental car straight for the trip from Oklahoma City to Tulsa. We got there finally around 1;30 am, got the rental car and traveled the final 2 hours to Tulsa, arriving around 3:30 am. What a long day and it was going to be a short nap before getting up for Media Day!
Media Day is always a fun time! While the anglers get to come in and have lunch with us, we get to hear so many stories. Tyler Rivet sat at the table with us, and beside me at the next table sat a table full of anglers, with Brandon Palaniuk right beside me. We listened to the opening and then went outside so we could talk to all the anglers we could. A madhouse as sponsors were there also trying to get videos for their social media teams. But we all manage to get along and wait out turn.
And then the party really starts. Friday launch, which I chose not to attend as it was 2 hours away, and the opening of the Classic Expo all that morning can be a bit much, but others will do it. I chose to sleep a little and hit up the EXPO. As media, we get in an hour early so we can try to find the products we want to get a scoop on, etc. For some, it was about Rick Clunn and for me, it was Missile Baits and their special Classic baits. It doesn’t take long before the hour passes and the doors open to the general public. It becomes very busy so quickly! And before you know it, it’s time to head over for the weigh-in, which was a few blocks away.

And that is even worse than media day for everyone wants to get a scoop on how so-and-so did on the water. Sometimes it’s about getting who you think has the best chance to win, who really identify with as close to your way of fishing, the seasoned veteran, or just the leaders. It is crazy on day 1 as you aren’t always sure who will be leading until closer to the end of the weigh-in.
For me, this year was a little different, as Brian Carter didn’t make the trip out. So I was doing things I didn’t normally do in addition to my writing a story afterwards. But while I was a little weak on my interviewing skills that first day, I was learning. I was also able to get some behind the scenes videos of anglers making their way in. Of course, getting to see and shake hands with Bill Dance after he came off stage was a highlight.
But for me, the highlight of the entire Classic was capturing the moment that Justin Hamner knew he had won the Classic. As he sat in his boat behind the curtain, waiting to be the last to weigh-in as the leader of Day 2, Adam R was up on stage, and when Dave announced his weight, you could see the moment the weight was lifted from him and he knew he had enough weight to win. What he had told others was coming true and he was winning the Classic. You can’t describe it, but you could feel it through his moment of joy! I wasn’t out front when that joy became reality and Dave announced him as the Champion and he got to share it with his family, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Those are the facts of the Classic. And then there are those moments that make it even more special. Meeting friends from all over the U.S. filled my days. Talking to anglers who weren’t there to fish. And finding yourself in pictures from B.A.S.S. up on their website, in pictures like when Gerald Swindle is messing with Clay Dryer, to being in videos from anglers, catching you in the background. And of course, talking to the different companies about their products.
One crazy moment was when I was talking to Clark Wendlandt at the Bass Pro Shops booth. A lady approached us and I was sure she wanted to talk to Clark but didn’t want to just but in. I was surprised by her asking me if I knew where Hot Coffee, Mississippi was. I said I didn’t, but she asked me to sign the jersey she had. I did and she went back to her husband and I told Clark that was weird. He was laughing, but she came back over and talked a minute and showed me something about me. I caught a glimpse of my picture, well, who her husband thought I was. First time I have ever been mistaken for Paul Elias. After she left again, we had a good chuckle. I’ve been called Jeff Foxworthy by a young man at church and Alan Jackson by a few, but never a famous angler.
Tulsa is a great city, but while the Expo was amazing, I found it lacked a little too. While all under one roof, it did seem to lack something. Maybe it was the layout of some of the booths, as some seemed to be hidden. I know the cost to have a booth is high, and it is hard to justify coming back when you aren’t able to sell enough products to cover that cost. I really enjoyed to company from Canada that was there with a motorized cart to help move your boat, or other accessories around. They were not blessed with the best booth location, facing a wall in a corner that many never bypassed.

Overall, it was a great Classic. From a fan’s stand point, it was a great win. There were plenty of great bargains, many amazing companies, great demonstrations, and a lot of fishing legends to talk to each day at the Expo. It is an experience everyone should get to experience at least once, but it is difficult to do it all in one day, especially if you want to meet some of the pros as they do have a line waiting for them. Plan on at least 2 days so you get to see everything and you aren’t rushed.
Ft. Worth is the location of the 2025 Classic. I’ve never been to Texas and am looking forward to attending it. Will it be the best yet for me? Only time will tell. But I am hoping that it rivals any of them I have attended. Hopefully I don’t get into trouble and I will find that special moment to share with everyone as well. Now it’s time to get back to fishing!
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